Julia McClung Green - The Story
Julia Green School, named after the esteemed educator Miss Julia McClung Green, serves as a living tribute to her pioneering contributions to public education in Tennessee. As the state's first female school supervisor, she devoted 32 years to shaping educational excellence. Over her 57-year teaching career, she not only imparted knowledge but also championed character education and etiquette, demonstrating exceptional dedication by traveling to various schools daily, initially by streetcar, train, or horse-drawn carriage, and later in her own Model T Ford.
Established in 1948, Julia Green School originally accommodated grades one through eight. The decision to name and dedicate the school to Miss Julia Green during her lifetime was a rare and fitting honor for an outstanding educator. Miss Julia herself graced the opening of the new school. Her legacy of public service remains a powerful inspiration for current and future public servants committed to the education of our children, commemorated with a historical marker on the school's 50th anniversary in 1998.